Thursday 6 September 2012

Lower Trapezius Exercises

Trapezius is a large muscle of the back region. There is a diamond-shaped muscle that serves many functions. It helps to move the shoulder blade up and down and in the direction of the spine. It also helps to rotate and bend the neck sideways. Also an important role is that trapezius breathing helps. A good build trapezius is always seen in bodybuilders and football players. This gives them the "no-neck 'appearance. However, very few people do in the gym or work trapezius the importance of development. Generally with shoulder exercises like barbell shrugs upper traps get to rest. But, the lower traps are usually ignored. addition, there are very few selected exercises that will help you align the lower trapezius. Here are three exercises and two stretching exercises that you can add to your workout routine. These exercises will help you trapezius muscle strain through the strengthening to lower it.

Strengthening Exercises
Before the start of strengthening exercises, it is important to do a warm-up for 7-10 minutes in order to prevent injuries. Have mild jogging or no whole-heart for 10 minutes or longer and then do strengthening exercises. Also for any strengthening exercises to perform 2 sets, and take a one minute break between each set. In each set, perform 20 repetitions muscle gaining tips.

Hyper extension exercise

    You can hyper-extensions on the bench, Roman chair or on the floor.
    So, set down on the bench, floor or Roman chair.
    Then you tie your hands behind your head, and keep your posture straight.
    Keep your entire body in a straight line.
    Then lift your upper back as far as you can.
    Come back slowly, which was a repeat.

Silverback Shrug

    This is a variation of normal shrug. To / reject silverback shrug, keep in mind that the more you need to lean on in the implementation of this shrug, the more you lower your specific traps.
    So, hold a dumbbell and stand straight.
    Then shrugged his shoulders, and they take as much as possible.
    They can have a Smith-machine in order to facilitate the training.

Reverse Dumbbell Fly

    Grab a pair of dumbbells in your hand and keep your hands at your sides.
    Slightly bend your knees and back, but keep your spine flat.
    Then, with a bend in your elbows, raise the dumbbells in an arc like path until the arms are parallel to the floor.
    Slowly bring your hands to the sides.
    This was a repeat.

Stretching Exercises
These two stretching exercises should be done for the strengthening of the training session. Hold each stretch for a reverse number of 10 seconds and do each stretch three times muscle gaining secrets review.

The Cobra Stretch

    Lie on a mat on your stomach, and lift your upper body with both hands.
    Keep your hands flat on the mat and pointed straight ahead.
    Arch your back can be as much as you and keep your arms straight.
    Look at the ceiling and keep the distance.
    Exhale slowly while stretching.

The Cat & Camel Stretch

    In order to do this route, just make up on a mat on your hands and knees.
    Now, slowly lift your middle back and dropped his head slowly and keep.
    Then your back and keep your head and look straight ahead and keep.

They belong in the back workout day or devote a special day for them at least once a week. Soon you will see that your back has become stronger and well built.

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