Tuesday 28 August 2012

Build Mass Muscle

People often do not realize, but the muscle is composed of two distinct areas. The first is the portion of the muscle where the actual muscle contraction occurs. This is where the proteins that make up muscle fibers are found. This is the area that receives the most attention from those looking to build muscle mass. This makes sense to a degree, as that is where the power is actually produced, but this area represents only about 20% of the muscle gaining secrets volume.

However, the other zone (composed of several components) is so important, especially if you're trying to build muscle mass. This area is mainly composed of water (along with electrolytes) and glycogen (carbohydrate stored). If your goal is to look as muscular as possible, the volume of this area should be maximized.

This is done through techniques optimal hydration and carbohydrate intake well constructed, and the use of specific supplements such as creatine. All these strategies can help increase  muscles gaining tips size without actually increasing the size of the contractile proteins.

But this is not just for cosmetic purposes. The increased muscle volume has some performance enhancing effects as well. Increasing muscle mass leverage creates more favorable for the production of power and it is well known that a muscle cell is more anabolic properly hydrated you dehydrated.

The focus of the training should remain on increasing the size and strength of the contractile proteins, but the "storage area" muscle should not be neglected. This area makes the muscle appear larger in the short term, and contributes to the positive results in the long run.

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